Quotes By Mystic

Original Quotes, Thoughts
And A Few Messages
From Mystic Levello

Quotes by Mystic / Mystic Levello Quotes


"There's always a message delivered
alongside the jolts of life...
Sometimes it's the only way
to get your attention."
"You may believe something is true,
even when the truth is far from it."
"Whatever you know about your future...
the universe knows even more."
"The things you seek in this life...
have always been a part of you."
"A chase in the field, for a greater purpose
is never a waste of time."
"Miracles seem to randomly appear
along the path of being true to oneself."
"Everything you once wanted...
may not have been all that was needed."
*"It usually takes a lifetime to appreciate
the changes you've gone through
to get this far."
"Surround yourself with those who acknowledge
they don't know everything."
"Be grateful and embrace all that you are…
for your happiness depends on it."
"Your journey will continue to unfold
whether you’re ready for it or not."
"In your darkest hour you may long for the
road back home... never knowing
you're already on it."
"A deeper understanding of
why we exist... begins
with an interest in it."
"The long hard decision to let go
can only be made by the one
who's been holding on."
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